Plan Smarter With Genomics
We offer a broad range of genomic assays – from comprehensive to smaller targeted panels that empower you with evidence-based genomic insights for disease management.
Why ACT Genomics
High Success Rate
We achieve exceptional results with limited samples by continually optimizing our laboratory protocols.
Comprehensive Database
We ensure relevant clinical application with periodically updated databases.
Timely, Ongoing Support
We offer test consultations and deliver speedy reports with 1-on-1 report consultations for ongoing support.
Well-Trusted Brand
ACT Genomics is internationally recognized and engaged by major cancer hospitals and clinics.
Our Focuses

Cutting-Edge Technology
We implement next-generation sequencing(NGS) and multiplex molecular testing platforms, coupled with sophisticated bioinformatics analysis tools.
Asian-Prone Database
Our solid cases in clinical and research fields provides rich Asian-prone database to conduct precision bioinformatic analysis.
Thoughtful, Ongoing Support
By integrating above, ACT Genomics provides thoughtful and ongoing support to cancer treatment. Our team provides extensive cares to patients from bioinformatic, medical and nursing perspective.
Our Tests
How to Order
Prepare tumor (FFPE) and/or blood specimen, as well as the required documentation.
Contact your ACT Genomics representative for assistance with logistics and shipping documentation.
Receive a digital copy of your results report via email. We also provide personalized 1-on-1 report consultations upon request.